Venice, my love

by Nastasja Sas, Tato Vina, Rafael Ramirez

This choreography was created for my online tango-pupils as part of my tango-shortfilm-projects.


As Venice is the city of my dreams I decided to dance it there, surrounded by water and endangered beauty. The red umbrella stands for protection but is also a symbol for freeing oneself from protection that one just imagines to be in need of. I am very thankful that Tato Vina has provided again one of his fantastic tango-compositions "Sol de agonías". His music was inspiring me tremendously.

I was lucky that Rafael Ramirez, dancer and choreographer himself, acted as the cinematographer and in postproduction. One can see that his creativity has added to the result.


In case you would like to get your own tango-choreography-video, contact me. I would be happy to create your individual choreography and practice it with you until you are ready for shooting your own video. Life is short- fullfill your dreams!


Director & Producer: Nastasja Sas

Tangomusic "Sol de agonías": Tato Vina

Choreographer & Dancer: Nastasja Sas

Camera & Postproduction: Rafael Ramirez



"Paul, where are you? Yours, Jeanne"

Von Onlinestunden zum Tangofilm

Mein erster Tangoshortfilm wurde 2021 auf dem "CINEDANZA International Screendance Contest and Festival" in Modena, Italien, gezeigt.


Mein Dank gilt Robert Passini, Yvonne Emig, Claudia Arnhof, Katharina Beclind und Anna M. Berend. Besonderer Dank geht an den Komponisten des Tango "Socotrock" Tato Viña.

From online tango-classes to a tango-shortmovie that got selected for the Cinedanza Festival 2021 in Modena.


With great team-work and love beautiful things are possible!


Thank you to all of you - you know what you mean to me.

After having taught online tango-technique-classes for a while starting with the first lockdown in Austria, I wanted to do something creative with my pupils. So I proposed to start an online tango-choreo-project. Everyone was immediately enthusiastic about it and so I began to design a choreo with a chair- while the chair represents the absent dancing partner during the pandemic.
The movie wants to show how much we miss our partners with the help of empty rooms, cold, abandoned architectural structures in the background and us dancing with and around the chair, remembering, seducing, bewitching our absent partners.
At this point I want to thank everybody who has participated in the project in Austria and Germany. We were a small group of people but we were aiming to create something creative as a group in times where we need relationships that uplift us and warm our hearts the most.
Special thanks I want to dedicate to Tato Viña for his composition "Socotrock" that has also been an international Lockdown-project and that I was allowed to use for the choreo.


Currently we are working on our 3rd tango-choreo-project.
Would you like to participate? Please contact me.
I hope you enjoy our video! Together we did it with passion and dedication to our dancepartners and our tango.